Improve my web page
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I have been running this webpage for many years. Even before the wayback machine existed. The most recent incarnation was static html, Mainly as I wanted to serve data quickly over slow dialup connections.
Recently decided to upgrade. The choices that can easily be installed via packages to my NAS appear to be.
- wordpress – easy
- Joomla – medium
- Drupa – hard
I chose wordpress as it is definitely easy to get along with and seems to work well.
All installations appear to be LAMP stack type installations. I have previously played with DJANGO but these seem to be a lot more user friendly as now there exists a gui rather than having to write your own php.
The installation installs MariaDB as well. To manage the database I have found phpmyadmin very good. However I needed to be careful as clicking install through blindly sets the database without a default root password. phpmyadmin I am bit worried would serve this up to the internet. So I’ve change my database root password and disable phpmyadmin until I sort out the permissions correctly.
In order to still serve up static html most of the time I have installed the fastest cache plugin.
My only lingering doubt remaining is that wordpress may not be the securest software, and expose more attack vectors to hackers.
Wordpress serves my need at present.