I was wondering if cache locality trumps using a hashed set, on a modern CPU.
There are 3 implementations of the search.
For small sets of data say 100 elements, the random walk pattern looks more successful, as the hashing/inserting in the third solution is taking way too much time.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_METHOD1 14700 ns 14676 ns 43151
BM_METHOD2 1540 ns 1539 ns 447113
BM_METHOD3 23578 ns 23554 ns 29603
For larger sets of data say 1000000, the sorting of the random walk pattern appears to dominate and then the hashing solution is definitely a clear winner.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_METHOD1 108818475 ns 108747000 ns 6
BM_METHOD2 66346574 ns 66334000 ns 10
BM_METHOD3 1583479 ns 1583115 ns 436
You need to benchmark if in any doubt. Algorithm always trumps caching on large scale, but on small scale the expense of the algorithm becomes important.
Full code
using namespace std;
GenVec(size_t size_, int valueRange_)
// create source of randomness, and initialize it with non-deterministic seed
std::random_device r;
std::seed_seq seed{r(), r(), r(), r(), r(), r(), r(), r()};
std::mt19937 eng{seed};
// a distribution that takes randomness and produces values in specified range
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(-valueRange_, valueRange_);
for(int i = 0; i < size_; ++i)
return vec;
static vector
static int target = 1600000;
using RetT = pair
//Naive approach – O(n^2)
RetT method1(const vector
auto it = src_.begin();
auto itEnd = src_.end();
for(; it != itEnd; ++it)
auto it2 = it;
for(;it2 != itEnd; ++it2)
int sum = *it + *it2;
if (sum == target_)
assert(sum == target);
return RetT{*it, *it2};
return RetT{0,0};
//Random walk on sorted vector – sort dominates task – O(n log n)
RetT method2(const vector
sort(src.begin(), src.end());
auto itS = src.begin();
auto itE = src.end();
while(itS < itE)
auto sum = *itS + *itE;
if (sum == target_)
assert(sum == target);
return RetT{*itS, *itE};
else if(sum < target_)
return RetT{0,0};
//Hashing dominates - O(n)
RetT method3(const vector
for (auto i: src_)
int temp = target_ – i;
if (temp >= 0 && s.find(temp) != s.end())
return RetT{i, temp};
static void BM_METHOD1(benchmark::State& st_)
for (auto _ : st_)
method1(vec, target);
static void BM_METHOD2(benchmark::State& st_)
for (auto _ : st_)
method2(vec, target);
static void BM_METHOD3(benchmark::State& st_)
for (auto _ : st_)
method3(vec, target);