DNS ad-blocking for IPv6

My Network is running both IPv6 and IPv4, but IPv6 traffic was missing the local DNS.

Firstly needed to give my DNS a fixed IPv6 address, rather than let DHCP decide the address.
I read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_local_address
After reading this I get the feeling IPv6 still has a few teething problems.
The bottom line I believe is you need to pick a value in FD00:: range. Say FD00::101
Thus I can now point my router gateway at my newly IPv6 DNS address.

Secondly my ad-blocker script now needs a IPv6 “AAAA” routing entries.
This is a slight alternation to the script (at the bottom) given by
Thanks again for the starting point!

# (C)2013 dMajo
# Title : ad-blocker.sh
# Version : V1.02.0018
# Author : dMajo (http://forum.synology.com/enu/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=69661)
# Description : Script to block add-banner servers, dns based
# Dependencies: Syno DNSServer package, sed, wget
# Usage : sh ad-blocker.sh
# Version history:
# 2013.09.01 – 1.00.0001: Initial release
# 2013.09.08 – 1.00.0004: Fix: changed include target to support views
# 2013.09.12 – 1.00.0005: Added automatic zone file generation and some basic error handling
# 2014.03.29 – 1.01.0013: Added dependencies check
# 2014.03.30 – 1.02.0017: Script reorganized
# 2014.04.06 – 1.02.0018: Fix: fixed serial number in zone file generation

# Define dirs

cd ${ZoneDataDir}

# Check if needed dependencies exists
Dependencies=”chown date grep mv rm sed wget”
for NeededDep in $Dependencies; do
if ! hash “$NeededDep” >/dev/null 2>&1; then
printf “Command not found in PATH: %s\n” “$NeededDep” >&2
if [ $MissingDep -gt 0 ]; then
printf “Minimum %d commands are missing in PATH, aborting\n” “$MissingDep” >&2
exit 1

# Download the “blacklist” from “http://pgl.yoyo.org”
wget “http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist.php?hostformat=bindconfig&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext”

# Modify Zone file path from “null.zone.file” to “/etc/zone/master/null.zone.file” in order to comply with Synology bind implementation
rm -f ad-blocker.new
sed -e ‘s/null.zone.file/\/etc\/zone\/master\/null.zone.file/g’ “serverlist.php?hostformat=bindconfig&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext” > ad-blocker.new
rm “serverlist.php?hostformat=bindconfig&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext”
chown -R nobody:nobody ad-blocker.new
if [ -f ad-blocker.new ] ; then
rm -f ad-blocker.db
mv ad-blocker.new ad-blocker.db

# Include the new zone data
if [ -f ad-blocker.db ] && [ -f null.zone.file ]; then
grep -q ‘include “/etc/zone/data/ad-blocker.db”;’ null.zone.file || echo ‘include “/etc/zone/data/ad-blocker.db”;’ >> null.zone.file

# Rebuild master null.zone.file
cd ${ZoneMasterDir}
rm -f null.zone.file
Now=$(date +”%Y%m%d”)
echo ‘$TTL 86400 ; one day’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘@ IN SOA ns.null.zone.file. mail.null.zone.file. (‘ >> null.zone.file
# echo ‘ 2013091200 ; serial number YYYYMMDDNN’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ ‘${Now}’00 ; serial number YYYYMMDDNN’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ 86400 ; refresh 1 day’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ 7200 ; retry 2 hours’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ 864000 ; expire 10 days’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ 86400 ) ; min ttl 1 day’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ NS ns.null.zone.file.’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ A’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘ AAAA ::1’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘* IN A’ >> null.zone.file
echo ‘* IN AAAA ::1’ >> null.zone.file

# Reload the server config after modifications

exit 0

google DNSs
In addition I made a static link from, to my own DNSs as a lot of devices use the google servers directly.

Seems to be working, but watch this space.

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